Dr Alice

Dr. Alice is a neurodiversity consultant and ADHD counselor who often acts as a diversity and inclusion consultant and an executive functioning coach for adults with ADHD.

On Being Shy

On Being Shy: A poem on the experience of introversion and attending conferencesBy Alice Vo Edwards (I wrote this poem based on my frustrations with myself in attending academic conferences as a graduate student. It was also published in an APA Div 1 newsletter, in 2018 —— They say twins who are separated at birthOften experience a …

ADHD CE Class Proposed to APA

Today, I submitted a CE class proposal for the APA convention in 2019, “ADHD Across the Lifespan: Psychologist Roles and Responsibilities in Care, Implications for Women.” with a colleague. Fingers crossed! Would love to help educate all the rest of these psychologists about inattentive ADHD in particular and provide this training, education, and inspiration for …

Being HAPA

By Alice Vo Edwards I am Hapa. From the Hawaiian, meaning “half” I am one of many Who are half Asian, half “other” Am I the only lonely Hapa, I wonder? Part displaced Asian, part white mutt Wholey longing for connection To some deeper meaning Some family tribe? As an immigrant Who couldn’t speak English …