(C) Alice Vo Edwards As a child, when I first began swimming in the ocean, family members and signs at the beach warned about the dangers of undertow, and invisible currents that unexpectedly pull me under if a wave swept me out from shore. I was not only told about the potential danger, but talked …
I’ve never considered patience a strong suit of mine. In fact, in my corporate career, I’ve been applauded for being the “get things done” person. So when I heard a story of the amount of fortitude Mother Teresa dealt with, with years of asking to go to India and being refused over and over again, …
Learn how to quickly control and manage your stress with these fast and easy techniques In 2016 and 2017, I was teaching in-person classes on stress management and meditation, but soon realized that people were so busy, they couldn’t find time to attend. It was difficult to watch the negative health spiral of being too …